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Stan for BTS

I never really liked any celebrities until after my mission. When I heard a song “Sea”, it said: where there is hope, there will always be despair. I thought it was different from other songs that are hopeful and encouraging, and I decided to look deeper into the group that sang it. It turns out that the group BTS sings a lot of songs about hardships during your early adulthood, and about loving yourself. The lyrics is what really got me interested in a boy band, and I’m proud to say that I’m an ARMY (a name for BTS fans).

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Dog Hugger

When I was in 2nd grade, my family had 5 dogs. We originally had just 1, and the 4 puppies came from the first dog we had. The dogs were all in different colors, and we never had a leash on them. We lived in a rural area, and the dogs would go outside during the day, and come back home at night. One of the happiest memories from my childhood is when I used to play with all 5 puppies, and seeing any dogs brings back parts of those memories.

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Ice Cream Fighter

This is bad for my health, but I’ve always liked eating sweets. My favorite dessert is ice cream, and it’s always been that way. I’m not a big fan of caramel or coconut flavor, but I do love mint chocolate chip (except the one from creamery) and nut flavors. I also love fruity-creamy ice cream, and I can eat ice cream all day. Again, it’s not good for my health or my teeth so I need to watch out for that.

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Cardio Lover

I hated exercising since I was born. While my siblings learned kendo, I sat at home watching Pokemon. Not too long after I turned 20, I saw a video about people aging. Something that stuck out from that video was that later in your age, you will gain strength from your muscles – and if you don’t have those muscles, you will feel tired and wear out easily. Since I didn’t want to become a weak grandma, I started to do work out at least once a week. From what I’ve done so far, my favorite exercise routine is to do a cardio workout with K-Pop music.

5 thoughts on “Epithets

  1. Hi Jayne!

    I think you already know this because we met in class, but I love Korea because I served my mission in Daejeon! I need to listen to BTS more, I have heard that they are great. I also love cardio workouts, and I also don’t want to become a weak grandma. Hahaha. Also, I think it is hilarious that you don’t like the Creamery’s mint chocolate chip ice cream. I don’t know if I have tried it before, but now I want to so I can see if I like it!


  2. I LOVE KPOP!!! That made me so happy that you mentioned BTS. I taught English in Thailand last semester, and the kids LOVED BTS. Ah the nostalgia. And I definitely work out to KPop, as well, haha. Mint chocolate chip is one of the best ice creams!!! But I have to say caramel is better, so there’s that. I really liked your epithets! If I were the judge, I’d say well done!


  3. Love your epithets. I am a new BTS fan myself, but it steadily grows on me everyday. Something that I really like about BTS is their style. Their fashion is progressive and I love it. I am in fact listening to them as I am writing this. its a good time. I have a dog myself back home in California. I miss her very much and appreciate your love for dogs as well. I think you have a good balance with eating ice cream and doing cardio. This reminds me to be more balanced in my own life; to enjoy the sweet things in life like ice cream, and also work hard to stay in shape. The next time I go to the gym, you know I will be listening to BTS.


  4. Mint Chocolate chip…. mmmm delicious. I used to not really mind animals but my husbands family loves dogs! So now I love them too. How big are your dogs? I also do not want to be a weak grandma so I should probably work out too. It’s so hard for me! How do you do it? I should follow in your footsteps. I also have never listened to BTS but I have heard so many good things about them. Thanks for all your insights!! I loved reading them.


  5. Great post! K-pop is really good, I like some blackpink songs myself. I will have to listen to BTS. I love your memory of playing with all five dogs! That is super cute, I hope you can have many dogs in your future.


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